iSurprise Clan Temple

Hidden sanctuary behind the hardware stores

This is no ordinary temple, but a dedicated sanctuary for the ancestral spirits of the clan members themselves.

Fujianese temple

Hidden behind the hardware stalls is this stunning little temple. It dates back to 1877 when two clans from Fujian province, the Zeng 曾 and Qiu 邱 set foot in Yangon. This is no ordinary temple, but a dedicated sanctuary for the ancestral spirits of the clan members themselves. Many of the stone carvings you see here around the temple are to respect local parents, elders and ancestors.

The value of education

Here at Long Shan temple, you can see how important education is for the Chinese. Throughout the temple, you’ll find scrolls donated by students when they graduated. Have a look around and you’ll see quite some graduates from prestigious overseas universities.

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