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Hong Kong 香港 Sunset Survivors 夕陽餘暉

‘Sunset Survivors’ is a coffee table book by Lindsay Varty that tells the stories of Hong Kong’s traditional tradesmen and women through stunning imagery and candid interviews. Covering a myriad of curious professions that are quickly falling into obscurity, readers soon find themselves immersed in the streets of old Hong Kong. This Yau Ma Tei walking route will bring you to five of the people and their shops featured in the book. “夕陽餘暉” 作者華蓮絲帶領讀者走訪城市各地,拜訪日漸式微的傳統工業及在其中掙扎求存的本地職人,並將他們娓娓道來的軼事輯錄成書。這條油麻地路線將會帶你認識書中其中五位受訪職人和他們的故事。
  • 2 hours
  • 2,200 (1km)
  • Photo Walk
  • 5 things to see and do
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This walk is

last updated on May 2020

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Lindsay Varty 華蓮絲

Lindsay Varty is a half-British, half-Macanese woman raised in Hong Kong. Now a writer and professional rugby player for the city, she lives and breathes Hong Kong and is fascinated by its culture and history. Lindsay now gives talks and runs local walking tours which focus on the characters and industries in ‘Sunset Survivors’. 華蓮絲是一名在香港長大,從小深被城市的獨特文化和歷史所吸引的英葡混血兒。她同時身兼作家和香港欖球代表隊成員,現時正積極舉辦「夕陽餘暉」導賞團,帶領本地人以致遊客到訪她書中所介紹的店舖,認識夕陽行業的種種職人。
Gary Jones Gary Jones

Yorkshire-born photographer Gary Jones has lived in Hong Kong since 1990. He specialises in food, portrait and documentary photography, predominantly in black and white, using both film and digital cameras. He is a member of the Royal Photographic Society and holds an LRPS Distinction. 攝影師Gary Jones生於英國約克郡,自1990年開始移居香港。他是皇家攝影學會會士,擅長以菲林及數碼相機,拍攝黑白食物,人像及紀實影像。
Sunset Survivors 夕陽餘暉

Sunset Survivors is published by Blacksmith Books. Buy the book at Hong Kong's better book and giftshops or simply order online. 這本書由鐵匠書局出版。在香港更好的書店和禮品店購買這本書,或者直接在網上訂購。

This walk is

last updated on May 2020

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Lindsay Varty 華蓮絲

Lindsay Varty is a half-British, half-Macanese woman raised in Hong Kong. Now a writer and professional rugby player for the city, she lives and breathes Hong Kong and is fascinated by its culture and history. Lindsay now gives talks and runs local walking tours which focus on the characters and industries in ‘Sunset Survivors’. 華蓮絲是一名在香港長大,從小深被城市的獨特文化和歷史所吸引的英葡混血兒。她同時身兼作家和香港欖球代表隊成員,現時正積極舉辦「夕陽餘暉」導賞團,帶領本地人以致遊客到訪她書中所介紹的店舖,認識夕陽行業的種種職人。
Gary Jones Gary Jones

Yorkshire-born photographer Gary Jones has lived in Hong Kong since 1990. He specialises in food, portrait and documentary photography, predominantly in black and white, using both film and digital cameras. He is a member of the Royal Photographic Society and holds an LRPS Distinction. 攝影師Gary Jones生於英國約克郡,自1990年開始移居香港。他是皇家攝影學會會士,擅長以菲林及數碼相機,拍攝黑白食物,人像及紀實影像。
Sunset Survivors 夕陽餘暉

Sunset Survivors is published by Blacksmith Books. Buy the book at Hong Kong's better book and giftshops or simply order online. 這本書由鐵匠書局出版。在香港更好的書店和禮品店購買這本書,或者直接在網上訂購。
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