A local logistics company reimagined
- Rua do Almirante Sérgio, Nam Kwong’s warehouses, Macau Peninsula
- Open 24/7
Local Livelihoods
These 25 murals jointly produced by the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau and Nan Kwong Logistic Company were created by two local artists Lam Ka Hou and Anny to show people’s livelihood in the inner harbour district where new, old and Chinese and Western cultures come together.
About the artists
Lam Ka Hou has been creating graffiti for more than a decade and is committed to promoting local street culture. His style centres around ng characters and animals using vivid and strong contrasting colours. Anny developed a keen interest in the visual arts at a young age and even studied in Australia. When she came across graffiti, she changed discourse and now embarked on a creative journey.