A unique example of East-meets-West architecture

- 135 Ma Tau Chung Road
- Wed, Sat & Sun mostly open
- +852 2713 5221
- Website
Look up to the roof; you’ll see a dragon head next to some peaceful doves, representing East and West.
First church in Kowloon

Holy Trinity Church was the first Christian church on the Kowloon side. It was built in 1891, almost half a century after St. John's cathedral on the island. It's a unique church, built in an artistic blend of East and West. Look up to the sculpted eaves of the roof; you'll see a dragon head next to some peaceful doves. Next to the entrance are a large drum and a gong; Buddhist temple elements merged into a Christian church.
Twist and turns

The Holy Trinity Cathedral was relocated twice. The first church was built at the foot of the Holy Hill (Sung Terrace), and as Kowloon developed, the church moved to this location, along Ma Tau Chung Road.