iSee Gedung Internatio

Testimony to the battle of Surabaya

The murder of Mallaby

This building is best known for the death of Lt. A.W.S Mallaby, the British brigade commander who came to Surabaya to restore order after WWII but was murdered - right here - on October 30th 1945, by Indonesian independence fighters. His death became a turning point and a catalyst for the famous battle of Surabaya.

City of Heroes

Surabaya was a crucial battleground in the struggle for independence. Mallaby’s death triggered an offence by the British air and naval forces to which the local residents – often armed with little more than wooden spears- offered a heroic resistance: a clear signal to the international community that the struggle for independence had to be taken seriously.

The bombings left the city severely damaged, hundreds of people (mainly Indonesians) died in battle and the population fled, leaving the former economic powerhouse deserted. The Surabaya battle – commemorated every year on the 10th of November - earned Surabaya the title ’Kota Pahlawan’ or City of Heroes.

Beauty in simplicity

Built on a prime piece of real estate - the location of the former protestant church in Surabaya – this was the location of the new headquarters of the trading and finance company: ‘Internationale Crediet & Handelsvereniging’, simply known as Internatio. Built in 1929, the ‘functional architecture’ style broke with the more elaborate Art Deco designs and set a new standard for the building industry. Architect F.J.P. Ghijssels introduced clean and clever adjustments to the tropical climate such as high ceilings and a double façade with recessed balconies to optimise air circulation.

Simplicity is the shortest path to beauty.
— Architect F.J.P. Ghijssels

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