iSurprise Chinese pharmacy

Thai-Chinese herbal medicine shop

Herbal pharmacy

This is a unique Thai Chinese herbalpharmacy in business for over 50years. Mrs. Boonraung, the daughter in law of the founder, is now running the pharmacy. She has over 100 species on offer stored in old jars and drawers. Mr. Yeh, her son, is always happy to give health advice and he will create mix tailored to each customer’s individual needs. If you are looking for something special to buy, Mr. Yeh recommends some nutmeg spices, use it in soups to add a sweet flavour.

Family history

Similar to many other local Chinese, Mrs Boonraung’s family sailed all the way north from Hainan to Lampang, following their cousins who had already settled here.


Walk into the pharmacy and the smell of herbs will bring you back in time. You may even be tempted to try the old fashioned barber shop in the same building.

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