Original Dutch wooden drawbridge

- Jl. Kali Besar Barat
- Open 24/7
A rare monument to the city's Dutch colonial era
English bridge
This original Dutch wooden drawbridge is obviously not the 17th century original, but the shape and size looks exactly as three centuries ago. In those days it was called English Bridge: the Dutch and the English had their trading post on different sides of the river. This bridge was on the eastern ‘Dutch’ bank crossing to the western ‘English’ side.
Chicken Bridge
Much later in the 19th century, the bridge was known as Hoenderpasarbrug (or chicken market bridge), because of the poultry and vegetable market on this side of the canal. People called it Grote Boom Brug (Large Tree Bridge). You guess it…. because of the large tree next to the bridge.
Queen Juliana Bridge
In 1938, the bridge was renovated and renamed Juliana ophaalbrug in honour of Dutch Queen Juliana and after independence it changed name once again.It is now called Kota Intan Bridge: Bridge of the Diamond City