Hidden gem built by famous Dutch architect Berlage

- Jl. Pintu Besar Utara no. 4
- Closed for public
One of only two buildings in Indonesia by one the Netherlands most celebrated architects of all times: Hendrik Petrus Berlage
De Nederlanden van 1845
This is one of only two buildings in Indonesia by one the Netherlands’ most celebrated architects of all times: Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Chief architect of the Amsterdam stock exchange and the city’s 19th century extension.
Architectural legacy

This small office building in the Kota dates back to his early days, before he became famous. He designed it remotely - from his office in Amsterdam - in 1913 for the Dutch Insurance company ‘Nederlanden van 1845’. Ten years later he travelled to the Dutch Indies, he spent three months touring Java and Bali and got a chance to visit his two projects, this one and the Aperdi building in Surabaya.
Berlage signature

Typical Berlage design details are the two small towers and the overhang to shield the building from the heat.