iSurprise Fort Post Office

The old Galle Fort Post & Telegraph Office is awaiting its newest reincarnation.

In the Dutch days it was the VOC’s trade office, by 1760, 18 book-keepers and 18 clerks were working in the building.

Original Dutch Building

Not much changed here since the Dutch built these premises as the trade office (negotie kantoor) of the Dutch East India company in the 17th century. It is among the oldest in the Fort.

New lease of life

20 years ago, the main postal services moved outside of Fort, but the small post office remained an important Fort landmark. The building is now under renovation. In its newest reincarnation, a part of the building will be a post office.

Rice and stamps

When the British took control of the country, they used the building to store food supplies. It was during this period the veranda was added to make the unloading process easier for the coolies. After 1915, the British added a two-storey brick structure for a brand new telegraph machine from the UK and it was turned into the Galle Fort Post & Telegraph Office.

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