Hong Kong 香港 Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣

- 3 hours
- 5,300 steps (4 km)
- Story Walk
- 24 things to see and do
This walk is
last updated on June 2018Created by

Designed by

Lee Gardens Association 利園協會
Lee Gardens Association is a non-profit making area association. It serves as a neighbourhood business group that brings excitement to the Lee Gardens district through events and activities. 利園協會是一個非牟利地區協會,一向致力發掘利園區各種消閒娛樂,舉辦各項多元化活動,並希望為區內注入全新氣象。
leegardensassociation.hk/enFlyingpig 飛天豬
Flyingpig is a full-time illustrator and artist who has published her first book on drawings of old shop in 2016.After graduation from the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, she continues to sketch our city of Hong Kong and focuses on drawings that are related to the community. 黃詠珊,現為全職插畫師、藝術家,2016年出版第一本個人畫集《老店風情畫》。於城市大學創意媒體學院動畫系畢業後一直在城市角落寫生,創作與香港和社區有關的繪畫。
www.flyingpig.workDownload Map

Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.
Download MapThis walk is
last updated on June 2018Created by

Designed by

Lee Gardens Association 利園協會
Lee Gardens Association is a non-profit making area association. It serves as a neighbourhood business group that brings excitement to the Lee Gardens district through events and activities. 利園協會是一個非牟利地區協會,一向致力發掘利園區各種消閒娛樂,舉辦各項多元化活動,並希望為區內注入全新氣象。
leegardensassociation.hk/enFlyingpig 飛天豬
Flyingpig is a full-time illustrator and artist who has published her first book on drawings of old shop in 2016.After graduation from the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong, she continues to sketch our city of Hong Kong and focuses on drawings that are related to the community. 黃詠珊,現為全職插畫師、藝術家,2016年出版第一本個人畫集《老店風情畫》。於城市大學創意媒體學院動畫系畢業後一直在城市角落寫生,創作與香港和社區有關的繪畫。
www.flyingpig.workDownload Map

Like an old-fashioned paper map? We've got you covered! Download and print this illustrated map. So you can get lost without getting lost.
Download Map