iSee Ramnath Mahadev Temple

Ancient Shiva temple with Muslim architecture, more than 800 years old

This temple has seen various rulers and governments over the years. But people’s faith in Ramnath Mahadev remains unchanged.
— Hemaben Bhatt, priest family of temple

Hindu-Muslim religious harmony

The origin story of this temple has captivated local residents for centuries. Hemaben Bhatt, a member of the local priest family that has always been at the helm of the temple shares: “Hundreds of years ago, a priest found a Shiva idol on the banks of the river Sabarmati. To keep it safe, he buried it underground. Later, during Sultan Shah’s reign a temple was built on top, not quite like any other Shiva temple, as it was the temple was commissioned by a Muslim ruler!! A beautiful confluence of Hindu-Muslim religious harmony, still celebrated today!

Hidden idol

The shiva-ling, or the idol of Shiva is about 15 feet underground, accessible only by a staircase. The local residents believe that once the Sabarmati River flowed through here. Visit the temple for these and many other stories!

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