iSurprise Nanfang Building

Must-been malls

Symbol for Fashion

Built in 1918, the Nanfang Building was the earliest skyscraper in China. It was once the most modern department store building in Guangzhou, with the most high-end hotels and the most luxurious entertainment venues. It had people carrying elevators and circular car trails which was rare at that time. The most fashionable Guangzhou people at that time came here to shop.

If you haven't been to the Nanfang Building, that means you haven’t been to Guangzhou.

Childhood Memories

In the past, when Puk Lou (non-local people) came to Guangzhou, they would definitely  go shopping at the Nanfang Building, so Guangzhou people also called the South Building "Puk Lou Building" by joking. In addition, the Nanfang Building also bears countless childhood memories of Guangzhou people. Mr Chen, an old Guangzhou native, recalled: "We used to spend a whole day shopping in Shangxiajiu.There are several theaters such as Jinsheng, Caihong and Pingan. 5 cents to watch a movie. When you are tired, you can also go to Guangzhou Restaurant, LianxiangLou and other tea houses to rest. You can spend days and days in Shangxiajiu, Nanfang Building and so on. ”

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